Since meeting at the Yale MFA program in the late 1980’s, the photographers Marion Belanger, Mary Berridge, Ann Daly, Laura Letinsky, Tanya Marcuse, and Jennette Williams have been getting together to critique work in progress, celebrate milestone birthdays, and give photographs as presents. These gatherings have sustained us as artists and have held the group tightly bonded, for twenty-five years and over 125 photographic gifts. The gifts trace the arc of each artist’s work over the course of a career; yet at the same time they tell a larger tale of the evolution of the medium. Our project is about women, friendship, the Yale School of Art, photography, and at the deepest level, transience. Perhaps we were all drawn to photography for the way it wrestles with time and impermanence. While transience touches all of our work, this theme moved from concept to reality when, tragically, Jennette received a terminal prognosis; she passed away on April 9. and recently passed away. This project is both a celebration of, and memorial to, a group, which will never again be as it has been.